Rehabilitation & Long-Term Care

Through the Rehabilitation and Religious Use programs, the Grey Snow Eagle House has been able to help over 150 eagles Currently, the Grey Snow Eagle House provides homes to over 55 bald and golden eagles from throughout the United States and has released 51 Oklahoma eagles back into the wild.

Long-Term Care

The eagles receiving life-long care at the facility are eagles that have been permanently  injured. These eagles come from all over the United States including areas such as Oklahoma, Arkansas, Michigan, Nebraska, Colorado, Oregon, and Wisconsin. Typically, these eagles have injuries caused by collisions with cars, electrocutions, lead poisoning, or gunshot injuries. While these eagles have been injured, special attention is given to each individual to ensure that they have quality of life while in captivity. Individuals are provided with large rock pools to bath, fresh food, and enrichment activities. These eagles receive bi-annual veterinary exams from Dr. Paul Welch (Tulsa, OK) to ensure each individual is happy and healthy.


The eagles that are here for rehabilitation purposes have been injured in Oklahoma. These birds are usually found by game wardens, private land owners,  and good samaritans. These birds go through our rehabilitation program where they receive quality care in our ICU room where they can rest in peace while they heal. During this time, their progress is monitored by our trained aviary staff and Dr. Paul Welch (Tulsa, OK).  Once an individual is ready to begin preparation for release, it is moved to our rehabilitation flight cage. This cage is  designed specifically for eagles going back to the wild as it is our longest cage at 150 feet and has a turn in it so flight strength and patterns can be thoroughly assessed. When the eagle is strong enough and hunts effectively, the eagle will be returned to the wild.